Tel. 512-257-0898 E-mail: Main Office: 4501 Spicewood Springs Road, Suite 1022 Austin, Texas 78759

Part 1 – Fiber: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

This is Part 1 of a two part post:

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate found in plants. It’s indigestible to humans but it’s still important to incorporate in our daily diets to promote healthy digestion and gut movement.  There are 2 types of fiber: soluble and insoluble and each serves its own unique function.

  • Soluble
    Dissolves in water – mixing together to create a “gel”
    Slows digestion
    Softens stool by adding water to increase mass & allowing easier passage
    Can be broken down by bacteria (fermentable)
    May help relieve constipation
  • Insoluble
    Not dissolved in water – moves through gut unchanged
    Stimulates gut movement to help relieve constipation
    Bulking agent for stool


Try to aim for 20 – 35g of fiber each day

Increase your fiber intake slowly

Consider a fiber supplement if you’re unable to meet the recommended amount (psyllium)

Eat small, frequent meals

To prevent excess gas from the action of gut bacteria, choose low-FODMAP grains, starches, fruits, & vegetables (watch for this information in part 2)

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The Overcoming Mind Hunger Program has been designed to help emotional eaters change their relationship with food. Overcoming Mind Hunger teaches the mechanics of reconnecting true physical hunger with normal eating behavior. Once a healthy attitude about food emerges, issues related to the desire for weight loss can be addressed.

Contact Information

Tel. 512-257-0898
Main Office: 4501 Spicewood Springs Road,
Suite 1022 Austin, Texas 78759